Maxim Boxer Gallery was established in 2000 as a part of the Ravenscourt galleries for maintaining contemporary art.
Since then the gallery has organized over a hundred exhibitions in Moscow and London, participated in the art fairs such as Art-Moscow, London Olympia, Brafa in Brussels and at the fIrst art fair in Shanghai. In 2014-2016 the gallery held a series of the important curated auctions in London — Russian cosmism, Metaphysics and Cartoon-like. The famous Art-club «The flying inn» was organized in Moscow by Maxim Boxer Gallery and existed in 2016-2019. On its two art stages the gallery carried 50 exhibition projects for young and regional contemporary artists, retrospective shows of the prominent masters, several presentations of important private collections and numerous art events. The Gallery cooperates with leading art institutions, carries on expertise, consults private and corporate clients in Russia and abroad.
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